
Dieting Effectively

Time:2021-09-23 16:24:30From:Author:

Never skip breakfast

Research will show that not skipping breakfast is an effective way to control your weight. Missing out on this first meal will mean you are more likely to snack throughout the day and feel hungry due to missing out on essential nutrients in the morning.


Eat regularly

Eating more frequently can help you resist the temptation to snack all day and helps the body's metabolism work harder as you burn calories at a higher rate. Not eating meals does not (contrary to popular belief) help towards weight loss at any point.


Be more active

Getting more active is a proven way to help burn off excess calories that dieting cannot do alone. It also provides numerous health benefits and is key to shifting weight and also keeping it off.


Cut down your alcohol

Not many people realise the effects of alcohol on the body when trying to lose weight but they can be just as bad as eating some of your favourite junk foods. A glass of wine can have as many calories in it as a piece of chocolate and drinking in regular spells can add unwanted calories to your daily intake.


Keep hydrated

Confusing thirst for hunger can be easily done by many people. Aim to drink seven to eight glasses per day and 1-2 litres whilst training in order to feel fully hydrated and stay on top of your game.


High fibre and high protein

Eating high fibre and high protein foods can help you to feel fuller for longer and can prevent you to snack throughout the day. Try to get in fruits, veg, oats, wholegrains, fish, white meat and nuts to top up your fibre and protein values and stay feeling full. The fibre will also help with your digestion and keep things moving in your stomach and the protein will help to repair muscles after exercising.


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